Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 1
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume One (PSM) (1993).iso
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@@PHelps DOS locate files outside the current directory.
@@F[d:][path]APPEND d:path[;[d:]path ...] or
[d:][path]APPEND [/X][/E] or
@@R[d:]path specifies the path to search when a program is looking
for a file with an extension other that .COM, .EXE, and .BAT.
functions. Commands like COMP and DIR use the SEARCH FIRST
functions to search for their files. Commands like BACKUP, RESTORE,
and TREE use the FIND FIRST function to look for their files. DOS
uses the EXEC function any time a command is entered.
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@@R/E tells APPEND to keep its paths in the DOS environment, much like
the PATH command.
; is used to separate the APPEND paths or to request a list of the
current APPEND paths.
Refer to your DOS manual for more information on the APPEND command.
%Autoexec Batch File
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@@PExecutes a series of commands to configure DOS to your
specifications each time the computer is turned on or restarted.
@@RWith this program, you can automatically give DOS commands every
time you start up your computer. That way, you can configure DOS
and your system to your specific requirements.
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Some of the more popular commands used in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
Usually the first command in the batch file. This command turns off
the echo feature of a batch file. It reduces the amount of
information displayed on the screen as the other commands in the
batch file are carried out.
You may want to prematurely interrupt an executing program because
you made a typing error in the command line, or other reason.
Holding the CTRL key and pressing the BREAK key will stop a program
only when there is keyboard input or video screen output. But there
may not be input or output during some programs. If the BREAK
feature is turned ON, DOS will check for Ctrl-Break more
frequently. Because the default setting is OFF, you should turn it
on in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
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Normally when DOS writes to a disk file, it does not check to see
that the information has been correctly written. The VERIFY ON
command turns on the verification feature so that DOS will check
that each file is correctly written. Of course, when VERIFY is ON,
it takes longer to write a disk file. However, it is better to be
safe even though it does take a little longer.
The PATH command establishes a search path for program execution.
This command tells DOS where to look for a program when it cannot
be found in the current directory or drive.
These commands are explained separately in this HELP program.
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@@PInstructs DOS to route disk I/O requests for one drive to
another drive.
@@F[d:][path]ASSIGN [x[=]y[...]]
@@Rx specifies the drive to which current disk I/O requests are sent.
y specifies the drive letter that you want disk I/O requests to be
routed to.
Type ASSIGN with no parameters to reset all drives to normal
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Some applications programs can only be run on, or access their data
from, one disk drive. The ASSIGN command allows you to assign a
drive letter that is not on your system to a drive letter which is
available on your system. An example of this would be if you have
only one disk on your computer, and your applications program was
programmed to use drive C for all of its data storage. With the
ASSIGN command, you could assign all requests for drive C to drive A.
If you want to use the ASSIGN command for more than one drive, it
must be done with one ASSIGN command. This is because each ASSIGN
command statement cancels any previous ones.
@@EAssign all requests for drives A and B to C.
Return all assignments to their normal drive.
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@@PChanges the read-only attribute of a disk file.
@@F[d:][path]ATTRIB [+R | -R] [d:][path]filename[.ext]
@@R+R sets the read-only attribute bit for the specified file.
-R removes (clears) the read-only attribute bit for the specified
The global filename characters, ? and *, are allowed.
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Each disk file can be marked as read-only so that it cannot be
accidentally deleted. This "file attribute" is stored in the disk
directory for each file. This attribute bit can be set or cleared
by using the ATTRIB command.
A file that is marked as read-only will be seen in the directory as
normal, with the DIR command. However, if you try to delete the
file with the DEL or ERASE commands, DOS will not carry out the
command. It will give you an "Access denied" error message.
Another file attribute, named the "archive attribute", shows
whether a file has been changed since the last backup was made.
This attribute is cleared by special backup programs when they
perform backup on a disk, such as the DOS BACKUP program. When
using a backup program, you can specify to backup only those files
that have not been changed since the last backup--instead of
backing up all files, which can take much longer. The backup
program examines this archive attribute to determine whether or
not to backup a file. If you have DOS version 3.2 or later, you can
use the ATTRIB command to set or clear the archive attribute, as
well as the read-only attribute.
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@@ESet the read-only attribute for MYFILE.TXT.
Reset the read-only attribute for all files named MYFILE with any
Display the attribute of all files.
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@@PBacks up one or more files from one disk to another. This is
usually used to back up files from a hard disk.
@@F[d:][path]BACKUP [d:][path][filename[.ext]]
@@R/S Backup files in all subdirectories as well.
/M Backup only those files that have changed since the last backup.
/A Add files to the backup disk.
/D:mm-dd-yy Backup files modified on or after the specified date.
/T:hh:mm:ss to backup files that have been modified on or after the
specified time on the date specified.
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@@R/F to format the target disk if it is not formatted.
/L to specify a log file. If a file name is not specified, the
default is BACKUP.LOG, and is stored in the root directory of the
source drive.
Refer to your DOS manual for information about your version of BACKUP.
@@EBackup all files on drive C to drive A.
BACKUP C:\*.* A: /S
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@@PStarts the basic interpreter (normal or advanced). Optionally
executes the program name given as a parameter.
@@F[d:][path]BASIC[A] [d:][program[.bas]]
@@RRefer to your BASIC manual for more information on the BASIC
@@ERun the BASIC interpreter and execute TEST.BAS.
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@@PInstructs DOS to check for a control break whenever a program
requests DOS to perform a function.
@@FBREAK [=[ON | OFF]]
@@RON to set BREAK=ON. This means that DOS checks for control break
whenever a program requests DOS to perform a function. This allows
you to break out of a program that usually would not let you break
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OFF to set BREAK=OFF. This means that DOS only checks for control
break during:
o Standard output operations
o Standard input operations
o Standard printer operations
Each time your system is started, BREAK is automatically turned
off. You can turn break on automatically by placing the BREAK ON
command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your startup disk. See your
DOS manual for more information on the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
%Chdir (CD)
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@@PChanges or displays the current directory.
@@FCHDIR [d:][path] or CD [d:][path]
@@RTyping CHDIR or CD without parameters will display the current
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@@EChange the current directory to the root directory.
CD \
Change the current directory to LEVEL2.
Display the current directory.
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@@PAnalyzes the directories, files, and File Allocation Table on the
specified drive, or default drive, and produces a disk and memory
status report.
@@F[d:][path]CHKDSK [d:][filename[.ext]] [/F][/V]
@@R/F Will fix errors in the File Allocation Table
/V Will tell of progress in CHKDSK (Verbose)
The CHKDSK command checks for errors in the file directories. These
errors can be caused by several things, the most common of which is
turning off the computer while a program is still running.
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When the /F parameter is used, CHKDSK will create and allocate any
"lost" clusters to files in the root directory beginning with the
filename FILE001.CHK. These files will contain the data from the
lost clusters. This will allow you to retrieve the data from these
files. This is useless if the lost clusters contain DOS programs.
However, if these lost clusters contain data from a text file that
was lost while using your word processor, you may be able to
retrieve this data and place it back into your word processor file.
@@ECheck drive B and fix all allocation errors.
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@@PClears the video screen.
@@RUse this command when you want to clear the video screen.
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@@PCompares two disk files.
@@F[d:][path]COMP [d:][path][filename[.ext]]
@@RThis command is useful when you want to see if two files contain
the same data. COMP will display any differences on the screen.
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@@ECompare JUNK on drive A to JUNK on drive B.
Compare all files on drive A to all files on drive B.
Compare all files on drive A with the extension .ASM to all files
on drive C with the same name.
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@@PCopies files.
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@@R/A Treat as ASCII file. When used with source file name, copies up
to but not including the first Ctrl Z (EOF marker). When used with
target file name, causes a Ctrl Z to be added as the last character
of the file.
/B With source file name, the entire file based on directory size
is copied. With target file name, causes NO Ctrl Z to be added to
the file.
/V Verify that target sectors are written correctly. This is the
same as setting the VERIFY command to ON. See VERIFY for more
information on that command.
@@ECopy HELP.DAT from drive A to drive B.
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@@ECopy HELP.DAT on drive A to a file named TEMP on the same drive.
Copy all files from drive B to drive C.
COPY B:*.* C:
Copy FILE1 and FILE2 from drive A into one file named FILE3 on
drive C.
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@@PChanges the standard input and output console to an auxiliary
console, or restores the keyboard and screen as the standard input
and output devices.
@@FCTTY device-name
@@RThis command is useful when you want to use a terminal connected to
your serial port. The MODE command must be used before this is done
to initialize the serial port to the desired settings.
See your DOS manual for more information on the CTTY command.
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@@ESet the standard input and output device to the first serial port.
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@@PSet or display the current system date.
@@FDATE [mm-dd-yy]
@@RType DATE without a parameter to display and/or set the current
system date. DOS will display the current date and ask you to enter
a new date. You can enter a new date, or press Enter to keep the
current date.
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@@ESet the system date to December 25, 1987.
DATE 12-25-87
Display the current system date.
%Del / Erase
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@@PDeletes the specified disk file.
@@FDEL [d:][path]filename[.ext]
@@RThis command erases files that match the filename. Write protected
files cannot be erased. If the global filename characters *.* are
given, DOS will request verification of this command.
The global filename characters, ? and *, are allowed.
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@@EDelete all files with the extension .ASM.
Delete all files. DOS will ask to verify this operation.
DEL *.*
Delete the file named FILE1.TXT.
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@@PDisplays a list of file names in a disk directory.
@@FDIR [d:][path][filename[.ext]] [/P][/W]
@@R/P to pause after each screen
/W to list in wide format across the screen
Use the /P parameter if there are more than 20 files to be
displayed. This will prompt you to strike any key before it
scrolls the files off the screen.
Use the /W parameter to display the files in wide format. However,
this format will only display the file names.
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@@EShow all files in the current drive and directory.
Show all files with the extension of .WP.
Show all files on drive A.
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@@PCompares two floppy diskettes.
@@F[d:][path]DISKCOMP [d:] [d:][/1][/8]
@@R/1 One side only. The default is 2 sides.
/8 Eight Sector. The default is 9 sectors.
Older versions of DOS only used one side of the diskette, and 8
sectors per track. New versions use two sides of the disk, and 9
sectors per track; this allows for more data to be stored on each
diskette. The /1 and /8 parameters are not necessary with new
versions of DOS.
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@@ECompare the double sided 9 sector diskettes in drives A and B.
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@@PDuplicates a complete floppy diskette.
@@FDISKCOPY [d:] [d:][/1]
@@R/1 Copy one side only.
The first drive [d:] is the source drive (copy from).
The second drive [d:] is the target drive (copy to).
The DISKCOPY command will copy an entire diskette and format the
destination disk if necessary. If you have only one disk drive,
DISKCOPY will tell you when to change the disks.
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@@ROlder versions of DOS used only one side of the diskette, where
new versions use two sides of the diskette; this allows for more
data to be stored on each diskette. The /1 parameter is not
necessary with new versions of DOS.
In general the DISKCOPY command is not a good method of copying
diskettes because it preserves the often found inefficient ordering
of data. Use the FORMAT and COPY commands instead.
Some commercial disks are copy protected. If this is the case, then
DISKCOPY cannot complete the copy, or it will make a copy that does
not work.
@@ECopy the disk in drive A to drive B.
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@@PTo assist DOS in searching for a file.
@@F[d:][path]FASTOPEN d:[=nnn] ...
@@Rd: specifies the disk drive for FASTOPEN to use.
=nnn specifies how many file names FASTOPEN should keep in memory.
The minimum is 10, and maximum is 999. The default is 34.
FASTOPEN stores in its memory, the directories and file names most
recently used by programs and DOS. When accessing a file, FASTOPEN
searches the memory list first, if the file is found it is a much
faster search than searching the disk drive.
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@@RFor each of the nnn files in the list, FASTOPEN needs 35 bytes of
@@EInstall FASTOPEN for drive C with 100 file name capacity.
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@@PPrepares a hard disk for formatting.
@@RA new hard disk is not usable until the surface has been
partitioned and then formatted. FDISK does the partitioning. Then
use the FORMAT command to format the disk. You only have to use the
FDISK command once.
The FDISK command destroys all files on the disk!
See your DOS manual for more information on the FDISK command.
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@@PSearches for a pattern of letters in a text file.
@@F[d:][path]FIND [/V][/C][/N]"string" [[d:][path]filename[.ext]...]
@@R/V All lines NOT containing "string" are displayed
/C Display a count of the number of matches in the file
/N Display the relative line number of each matching line
The characters to search for must be enclosed in quotation marks.
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@@EDisplay lines from the file PROG that DO NOT contain the letter F.
Display how many lines in the file PROG that contain the name JOE.
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@@PPrepares a new disk.
@@F[d:][path]FORMAT [d:][/S][/1][/8][/V][/B][/4][/N:xx][/T:yy]
@@R/S will put COMMAND.COM on the disk
/1 formats the diskette as one-sided.
/8 formats with eight sectors per track.
/V will allow a volume label to be entered.
/B leaves space on the disk for an operating system to be
installed, with the SYS command, in the future.
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/4 to format a double sided disk in a high capacity drive.
/N:xx is used to specify the number of sectors per track to format.
/T:yy is used to specify the number of tracks to format.
A new disk, including a hard disk, must be prepared before it is
used for the first time. This step is called formatting. The FORMAT
command will destroy any information on the disk surface. Be
careful not to accidentally format a valuable disk.
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The FORMAT command destroys all files on the disk!
The following is a table of the parameters allowed for each type of
│ 160K/180K │ /S, /V, /1, /8, /B, /4 │
│ 320K/360K │ /S, /V, /1, /8, /B, /4 │
│ 720K/1.44M │ /S, /V, /N, /T │
│ 1.2M │ /S, /V, /N, /T │
│ FIXED DISK │ /S, /V │
See your DOS manual for more information on the FORMAT command.
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@@EFormat the diskette in drive B.
Format the disk in drive A and make it a startup disk.
Format a 720K diskette in a 1.44M drive.
FORMAT A:/N:9 /T:80
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@@PLoads a table of additional character data for the color/graphics
adapter into memory.
@@F[d:][path]GRAFTABL [437|860|863|865|/STATUS]
@@RUse GRAFTABL to display foreign language characters when in
graphics mode on the color/graphics adapter.
See your DOS manual for more information on the GRAFTABL command.
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@@PAllows the contents of a graphics screen to be printed on a
printer which can print graphics.
@@F[d:][path]GRAPHICS [printer type][/R][/B][/LCD]
@@RPrinter type is one of the following:
COLOR1 - IBM PC Color Printer with black ribbon
COLOR4 - IBM PC Color Printer with RGB ribbon
COLOR8 - IBM PC Color Printer with CMY ribbon
COMPACT - IBM PC Compact Printer
GRAPHICS - IBM PC Graphics Printer or IBM Proprinter
THERMAL - IBM PC Convertible Printer
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@@R/R to print black and white as seen on the monitor. If you don't
specify /R, the default is to print black as white, and white as
black; this is the normal mode to print text to the printer.
/B to print the background color. This is only for printer types
COLOR4 and COLOR8. If you don't specify /B, the default is NOT to
print the background color.
/LCD to print the screen exactly as is appears on the IBM PC
Convertible Liquid Crystal Display.
If you do not specify a printer, the default is the GRAPHICS
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@@PConnects a drive to a directory on another drive to produce a
single directory structure from two separate directories.
@@F[d:][path]JOIN d: d:\directory or
[d:][path]JOIN d: /D
@@Rd: specifies the drive to be connected to a directory on another
d:\directory specifies the directory that you will join a drive
under. The directory must be at the root and only one level deep.
/D will disconnect a JOIN.
Refer to your DOS manual for more information on the JOIN command.
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@@PLoads a keyboard program that replaces the keyboard program
resident in the ROM BIOS. This will allow support of non-U.S.
English keyboards.
@Rxx specifies the keyboard code.
yyy specifies the numeric code page which defines the character
[[d:][path]filename] specifies the drive, path, and filename of the
keyboard definition file.
See your DOS manual for more information on the KEYB command.
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@@PAllows you to create, change or delete a volume label on a disk.
@@F[d:][path]LABEL [d:][volume label]
@@RIf no disk is specified, the current disk is used.
It is suggested that you label each of your disks with a volume
label. This is sort of an electronic label to indicate what
information is contained on the disk. A label can be put on the
disk when you format it by using the FORMAT command with the /V
parameter. However, you can also assign or change a disk label by
using the LABEL command.
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@@ELABEL will show any label currently on the disk in drive A and ask
if you want to change or delete the current label.
Make the volume label on the disk in drive A UTILS.
%Mkdir (MD)
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@@PCreates a subdirectory on the specified disk.
@@FMKDIR [d:]path or MD [d:]path
@@RPath to specify the path of the directory name.
@@ECreate a subdirectory named LEVEL1 under the current directory.
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@@ECreate a subdirectory named HELP under the root directory.
Create a subdirectory named LEVEL2 under the subdirectory named
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@@PSet the way that a printer, a color/graphics monitor adapter, or
asynchronous communications adapter operates.
@@F[d:][path]MODE LPT#[:][n][,m][,P]]
# = 1, 2, or 3 (the printer number)
n = 80 or 132 (characters per line)
m = 6 or 8 (lines per inch)
P = continuous retry on time-out errors
[d:][path]MODE n or [d:][path]MODE [n],m[,T]
n = 40, 80, BW40, BW80, CO40, CO80, or MONO
m = R or L (shift the display right or left)
T requests a test pattern to align the display.
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@@F[d:][path]MODE LPT#[:]=COMn
# = 1, 2, or 3 (the printer number)
n = asynchronous communications adapter number
[d:][path]MODE COMn:baud[,parity][,databits[,stopbits[,P]]]
n = asynchronous communications adapter number
P = continuous retry on time-out errors
@@RThe MODE command used in DOS Version 3.30 contains more
commands. Refer to your DOS manual if you are using this version
of DOS.
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@@ESet the screen to color mode with 80 columns
Set the first communications port to 1200 baud, no parity, 8 data
bits, and 1 stopbit.
MODE COM1:1200,N,8,1
Set the first parallel printer to 132 columns per line.
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@@PStops the screen from scrolling when it is full.
@@F[d:][path]MORE <input filename
@@EDisplay the file SAMPLE.DAT on the screen and pause when each
screen is full
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@@PEstablishes a search path for program execution.
@@FPATH [d:]path[[;[d:]path...] or PATH ;
@@RA Hard disk is divided into subdirectories to make it more
manageable. However, this type of structure has its advantages and
disadvantages. When you want to run a program, you must know where
the program is located in order for DOS to find it, and then run
it. You can use the PATH command to tell DOS where to search for
programs you want to run. You may specify a list of drives and
pathnames, separated by semicolons. Then, when you enter a command
that is not found in the current drive and directory, DOS will
search all drives and directories, specified by the path, for that
program file name.
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@@EShow the current path setting (if any).
Tell DOS to search the current directory (default), then the ROOT
directory, then the directory named UTILS.
Remove all previous path settings.
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@@PPrints a queue (a list) of data files on the printer while you
are doing other jobs on the computer.
@@F[d:][path]PRINT [/D:device][/B:buffsize][/U:busytick][/M:maxtick]
@@R/D:device to specify a print device. Default is PRN.
/B:buffsize to set the size in bytes of the internal buffer.
Default is 512 bytes.
/Q:quesize to specify how many files can print a one time. Default
is 32 files.
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@@R/S:timeslice to specify the time-slice value. Default is 8 slices.
The range is 1 to 255.
/U:busytick to specify the number of clock ticks that PRINT will
wait until the print device is available. Default is 1.
/M:maxtick to specify how many clock ticks PRINT can have to print
characters to the printer. Default is 2. The range is 1 to 255.
/T to set the terminate mode. All queued file are canceled from the
print queue.
/C to set the cancel mode. Allows you to select which files to
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@@R/P sets the print mode. The preceding filename and all following
filenames are added to the print queue until a /C is found on the
command line, or until you press Enter.
@@EPrint all files with the extension .TXT in the current directory.
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@@PEstablishes a DOS command line prompt.
@@FPROMPT [prompt-text]
@@RWhere prompt-text specifies the new text for the DOS prompt. This
can contain special characters that are in the form $p. These
special characters are as follows:
$ the $ character l the < character
t the time b the | character
d the date q the = character
p the current directory h the backspace character
v the DOS version number e the ESCape character
n the default drive letter _ the CR LF sequence
g the > character
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@@RThe initial DOS prompt gives you the drive letter followed by the >
character. However, the prompt can be changed to something else,
which you may prefer over the default DOS prompt. A popular prompt
is the $p$g prompt. This makes the prompt the current drive letter,
plus the current directory, and then the > character. This is
useful when using a hard disk with several subdirectories.
You can get very creative with the PROMPT command.
@@EMake the DOS prompt the current directory name and the greater than
sign (C:\UTILS>).
Make the prompt the system time and date.
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@@PRenames a disk file.
@@FREN[AME] [d:][path]filename[.ext] filename[.ext]
@@RThe RENAME command changes the name of a disk file. Only the name
is changed; the file itself is not altered. The wild card symbols,
? and *, may be used, but they should occur in identical positions
in both names or only be used in one name.
@@ERename all files named JOE with any extension to JIM with the same
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@@PSelectively replaces files on the target with files of the same
name from the source.
@@F[d:][path]REPLACE [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[d:][path] [/A][/P][/R][/S][/W]
@@R/A tells REPLACE to copy all files specified by the source that
do not exist on the target. This allows you to add files to the
target without overwriting files that may already exist.
/P prompts you as each file is found on the target disk.
/R replaces files that are read-only on the target disk.
/S searches all subdirectories of the target disk.
/W instructs REPLACE to wait until you insert a disk.
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@@EReplace all files named JOE.TXT on your fixed disk drive C from
your floppy drive A.
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@@PRestores one or more backed up files from one disk to another disk.
@@F[d:][path]RESTORE d: [d:][path][filename][.ext][/S][/P]
@@R/S Backed up files in all subdirectories will be restored.
/P Prompt before restoring files that have changed since backup.
/B:mm-dd-yy to restore all files modified on or before the date
/A:mm-dd-yy to restore all files on or after the date specified.
/M to restore files modified or deleted since they were last backed
/N to restore files that no longer exist on the target disk.
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@@R/L restores files that were modified at or later than the given
/E restores files that were modified at or earlier than the date
Note: The files must have been saved to diskette with the BACKUP
See your DOS manual for more information on the RESTORE command.
@@ERestore all files from the backup diskettes to the hard disk
drive C.
RESTORE A: C:\*.* /S
%Rmdir (RD)
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@@PDeletes a subdirectory from the disk.
@@FRMDIR [d:]path or RD [d:]path
@@RThis command removes a subdirectory from the disk, but only after
all the files have been deleted with the DEL command. Some programs
write hidden files that cannot be deleted with the DEL command.
Then the RD command will not work on this subdirectory.
@@EDelete the subdirectory named UTILS.
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@@PAllows you to select the keyboard layout and the date and time
@@F[d:][path]SELECT xxx yy
@@Rxxx specifies the country code. The country code tells DOS the date
and time format. It also tells DOS the currency symbol.
yy specifies the keyboard code. The keyboard code tells DOS which
keyboard layout you want to use.
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@@RChoose the value of xxx and yy from the following table:
│ │ ICountry KeyboardI │
│ ICountryI │ ICode CodeI │
│ United States │ 001 US │
│ France │ 033 FR │
│ Spain │ 034 SP │
│ Italy │ 039 IT │
│ United Kingdom │ 044 UK │
│ Germany │ 049 GR │
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ICAUTION: With DOS 3.30, the SELECT command is used for a
different purpose. It is used to format a new disk, and install the
keyboard layout and date/time format. With DOS 3.30, this command
will destroy all data on your disk.I
@@ESelect country code and keyboard code to the United Kingdom.
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@@PThis command will insert strings into the command processors
environment. A copy of this environment is made available to any
program running.
@@FSET [name=[parameter]]
@@RThe entire string is inserted into the environment block. All
lowercase letters are converted to uppercase when inserted into the
block. If the name already exists in the environment, it will be
replaced with the new string.
If you type SET without any parameters, it will show you the
environment block strings.
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@@RIf name is specified without anything after the equal sign, then
that name string will be deleted from the current environment
@@EPlace a string associated with LIB into the environment block.
Erase the previous string entered.
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@@PLoads support for file sharing.
@@F[d:][path]SHARE [/F:filespace][/L:locks]
@@R/F:filespace is to allocate file space in bytes for the area used
for recording the information necessary for file sharing. Each open
file requires the length of the full filename plus 11 bytes. The
default is 2048 bytes.
/L:locks is to allocate space for the number of locks you want. The
default value is 20 locks.
See your DOS manual for more information on the SHARE command.
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@@PReads data from the standard input device, sorts the data, and
then writes it to the standard output device.
@@F[d:][path]SORT [/R][/+n]
@@R/R to sort in reverse order
/+n to sort based on the characters in column n
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@@ERead the file UNSORT.TXT, sort its records starting on column 1,
and write the sorted output to a file name SORT.TXT.
Produce a directory listing sorted by file size (file size starts
in column 14).
DIR | SORT /+14
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@@PEstablishes a subdirectory as a separate disk.
@@F[d:][path]SUBST d: d:path or
[d:][path]SUBST d: /D or
@@Rd: specifies the drive letter that you want to use to refer to
another drive or path.
d:path specifies the drive or path that you want to refer to with
a nickname. The path must start from the root directory.
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@@R/D to delete a substitution. You must specify the drive letter of
the drive whose substitution you want to delete.
Some older programs do not support the use of subdirectories, they
expect their data to be on a specific drive. In such a case, you
can instruct DOS to treat a subdirectory as a different drive name.
Then you can tell the program to use this drive name to access its
data files.
@@ESubstitute drive D for the subdirectory \WP on drive C.
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@@PTransfers a copy of the operating system files from the default
drive to the specified drive.
@@F[d:][path]SYS d:
@@Rd: specifies the drive to transfer the DOS system files onto.
The FORMAT command will place two hidden files on a disk, if you
use it with the /S parameter. This will make the disk a startup
disk. However, when a new version of DOS becomes available, you can
upgrade without having to reformat the disk and lose your data.
This is most useful when transferring a new version of DOS onto a
hard disk.
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@@RBoot the computer with the new DOS version floppy in drive A. Then
give the SYS command to copy the new version of DOS to your hard
disk, or floppy disk that already has a copy of DOS. You cannot use
the SYS command to place the DOS files on a disk that was formatted
without the /S parameter.
Note: The SYS command does not copy the COMMAND.COM file.
@@ETransfer the operating system to drive A.
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@@PSet or display the current system time.
@@F TIME [hh:mm[:ss[.xx]]]
@@Rhh to specify the hour
mm to specify the minutes
ss to specify the seconds
xx to specify the hundredths of seconds.
TIME with no parameters shows the current time and asks for new
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@@ESet the time to noon.
TIME 12:00:00
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@@PDisplays all directory paths found on the specified drive.
@@F[d:][path]TREE [d:][/F]
@@Rd: specifies the drive whose tree is to be displayed
/F to also display the names of files in all directories
When there are many subdirectories and files on a hard disk, it is
difficult to visualize where everything is and how to move from
place to place. The TREE command is designed to show the
organization of the disk. Unfortunately, this program does not give
a good graphic picture of the subdirectory structure of a disk.
Several commercial programs are available that will create a
graphic display of the disk tree structure.
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@@EShow the directory tree for disk C.
The same as above but it also shows all files on drive C.
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@@PDisplay a text file to the standard output device.
@@FTYPE [d:][path]filename[.ext]
@@RGlobal filename character are NOT allowed.
The TYPE command will display the contents of a text file on the
video screen (standard output). The standard output redirection
command may be used to redirect the displayed output to another
file or the printer.
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@@EDisplay the contents of LETTER.TXT to the screen.
Display the contents of LETTER.TXT to the printer using the
standard output device redirection command.
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@@PDisplays the DOS version number.
@@RThe DOS version consists of a single digit major version number,
followed by a period, then a two digit minor version number.
@@EDisplay the DOS version number you are using. Example is: IBM
Personal Computer DOS Version 3.10.
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@@PSets DOS into the verify mode.
@@RVERIFY without parameters shows the current setting of the verify
If the VERIFY mode is set to ON, DOS will verify any data when it
is written to the disk. If the data cannot be read back from the
disk, DOS will generate an error message at that time. This will
allow you to see that a disk is damaged, replace the disk, and save
your data to the new disk.
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@@ESet the verify mode to ON.
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@@PDisplays the disk volume label information.
@@FVOL [d:]
@@RIf you do not specify a drive, the default drive is used.
@@EShow the volume label for the default drive.
Show the volume label for the disk in drive A.
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@@PSelectively copy groups of files.
@@F[d:][path]XCOPY [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] [/A][/D:mm-dd-yy][/E][/M][/P][/S][/V][/W]
@@RThe source specification is first, the target is second.
/A copies only files with the archive bit set, meaning they have
changed since last copied with BACKUP or XCOPY /M.
/D:mm-dd-yy copies files whose date is the same or later than the
date specified.
/E creates subdirectories on the target disk even if they will be
empty. Otherwise XCOPY will not create an empty subdirectory.
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/M copies only files with the archive bit set, but will clear the
archive bit after it is copied. This is much like the BACKUP command.
/P prompts you before copying each file.
/S copies files in all subdirectories under the current directory.
/V tells XCOPY to verify that each file has been copied correctly,
much like the /V parameter in the COPY command.
/W tells XCOPY to wait for you to insert a disk.
@@EUse XCOPY to copy all files named JOE.TXT with the archive bit
set from drive C to drive A, then clear the archive bit to indicate
that it has been copied.
Same as the above example, but copies all files in the directories
under the current directory on drive C.
%Hard Disk Preparation
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A new hard disk must be partitioned and formatted before it can be
used. These two steps may have been done at the dealer before you
picked up the computer. But, if you purchased it from mail order or
directly from IBM, it may not have been prepared for use. If you
are not sure, it does no harm to format your hard disk a second
time if there are NO programs on it.
If you have a hard disk that is 20 megabytes or more, be sure to
use DOS version 3.0 or later. DOS version 2.0 is very inefficient;
it will waste a large part of your hard disk space.
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There are several different disk operating systems you can run
on your computer. DOS is the most popular. DOS will allow you to
partition your hard disk so that each different disk operating
system you use can work in a different part of the hard disk. If
you only want to use DOS, which is usually the case, you will want
the disk to be only one partition.
You must use the FDISK program to partition your hard disk before
it can be used or formatted. This program must be run even if you
are only going to use one operating system, DOS.
1. Put the main DOS disk in drive A and turn on the computer.
2. Partition the hard disk by giving the command
and pressing the Return key. You will be presented with a menu.
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3. Press the Return key to select the first item, which is the
default value. On the next screen, you will see the line
Create DOS Partition
If you also see the lines
Do you wish to use the entire fixed
disk for DOS[Y/N]..............?[Y]
it means that your hard drive has not been partitioned.
4. Press the Return key to select the default of Y. Then DOS can
use the entire hard disk.
5. The following message appears:
Insert DOS diskette in drive A:
Press any key when ready...
6. Press the Return key.
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Now that your hard disk has been partitioned, it must be formatted.
Be careful not to format your system disk in drive A. Run the
format program as described below.
1. Enter the command
The FORMAT program will destroy all the data on the disk. You must
be careful not to accidentally format a good disk, especially a
hard disk that holds a large amount of information. Therefore, when
you try to format a hard disk, newer versions of the FORMAT program
will give you a warning message when you try to format a hard disk.
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2. When you see the message
Warning: All Data on NON_removable
Disk Drive C: Will be Lost!
Proceed with Format (Y/N)?
and press the Return key. The message
appears on the screen and the red light on the hard disk will come
on. This should be the only time you have to format your hard
disk. This process may take several minutes. The /S parameter in
the FORMAT command adds a copy of the DOS system files to the hard
disk when it is finished formatting. Then you will be able to start
the computer from the hard disk without having to use floppies.
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3. When you give the /V parameter, you tell the FORMAT program
that you want to place a Volume Label on the disk after formatting.
You will see the line
Volume label(11 characters, ENTER for none)?
Type something that identifies your computer such as your name,
department name, or office number. Of course, a disk name is more
useful for removable media like a floppy disk that can easily be
mixed up.
After the formatting has finished and you have selected a volume
name, you will see a summary of how your hard disk space is being used.
This summary includes the total disk space, the space taken up by
the DOS system files, and the number of unusable locations on the
disk. The number of bad locations should be recorded in a notebook
for future reference. If a printer is attached, turn it on. Hold
down the shift key and press the PrtSc key to obtain a printout of
this information on the screen.
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Now that the hard disk has been partitioned and formatted, and it
contains a copy of the DOS system files, it is ready for your files.
A hard disk can hold many files. Therefore you must establish a
systematic way to locate the information you want. If there are
several hundred files in one directory, the listing of the file
names would be very long. It would also take quite a while to search
through the listing because it is usually in random order.
If you divide the hard disk into separate areas, you can keep
related files together. While there are several ways to organize a hard
disk, here is one simple but useful method. Use the main area called
the root directory only for a few essential programs. Then establish
auxiliary directories from the root directory. The auxiliary
directories are called subdirectories. This type of disk structure
is called a tree.
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Each subdirectory can contain files for a particular subject. The
name of a subdirectory, like the name of a disk, consists of 1 to
11 characters, including uppercase letters, hyphens, and
underlines. If you type the name in lowercase letters, they are
converted to uppercase. You might want to have one subdirectory for
each staff member in an office - one named JOHN, another named
SHARON, and so forth. Subdirectory names can also be chosen by
subject; for example, REPORT for reports, MEMOS for memos, PURCHASE
for purchase orders, and so on. There can be directories named
after the programs they contain; for example, LOTUS, PASCAL, DBASE,
BASIC, WP (for Word Perfect).
Make the default disk the newly formatted hard disk C by giving the
and press the Return key.
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This makes the root directory of the hard disk the current one.
This directory now contains the three DOS files placed there by the
FORMAT command. Two of these files are hidden because they are only
used by your computer. The other file is named COMMAND.COM.
You create a subdirectory with the DOS command Mkdir, or MD. Now
any directory you create will be a subdirectory of the root
directory because the root directory is the current directory. It
is possible to make a subdirectory of a subdirectory by making the
subdirectory the current directory and then giving the MD command
from there. However, you will generally find it easier to use only
single level subdirectories. That is, you should create all your
subdirectories from the root directory, if possible.
When you give the MD command, the new directory becomes a
subdirectory of the current directory. Therefore, if you want to
have only one level of subdirectory, you must be certain that the
root directory is the current directory before giving the MD
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command. For example, if you give the commands
when the root directory is current, both will be subdirectories of
the root directory. On the other hand, suppose that you gave the MD
command to create a subdirectory named SHARON while the
subdirectory named JOHN was the current directory. Then the
subdirectory SHARON will be a subdirectory of JOHN.
To ensure that the root directory is the current directory, give
the command
(for Change Directory).
Notice that a backslash is used in these commands. The backslash
character means that a subdirectory name will follow. The special
form CD\ refers to the root directory.
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This figure is a graphic display of what a hard disk "tree"
structure might look like. There are two subdirectories under the
root directory; WORD PROCESS and LANGUAGES. Under each if these
subdirectories are two more subdirectories.
┌──────┴───────┐ ┌────┴──────┐
└──────┬───────┘ └────┬──────┘
│ │
┌─────────┴───────┐ ┌─────────┴───────────┐
┌───┴───┐ ┌─────┴─────┐ ┌──┴────┐ ┌─────┴─────┐
│ WP │ │ WORD STAR │ │ LOTUS │ │ BASIC │
└───────┘ └───────────┘ └───────┘ └───────────┘
Page 12 of 17
I* Creating a DOS Subdirectory *I
We will now create a subdirectory to contain the programs on the
two original DOS disks. Then you will copy these programs from the
floppy disks to the hard disk.
1. Give the command
if C is not the current drive.
2. Give the command
to ensure that the root directory is the current directory.
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3. Create a new subdirectory by giving the command
Be sure to put a space between the command and its parameter. This
command has now established a subdirectory named DOS.
4. Now make the new directory the current directory by giving the
or CD \DOS
These two commands do the same thing--this time. However, they have
different meanings. The first command refers to a subdirectory of
the current directory; the second command refers to a subdirectory
of the root directory. If a subdirectory named JOHN were current
and you gave the first command, DOS would try to find a
Page 14 of 17
subdirectory named DOS belonging to JOHN. The second command makes
the root directory current first and then moves to the requested
5. The subdirectory named DOS is now current. Make a listing to see
what it contains by typing
You will see the following information on your screen:
Volume in drive C is PERSONNEL
Directory of C:\DOS
. <DIR> 12-25-87 1:00p
..<DIR> 12-25-87 1:00p
You can see that this is a listing of subdirectory DOS on drive C
Page 15 of 17
that is named PERSONNEL. No files are shown. But there are two
directory entries that do not seem to have names. One name consists
of a single dot and the other a double dot. These two entries are
part of a subdirectory listing (but not the root directory); they
contain information DOS needs. The double dot identifies the parent
directory, that is, the directory this subdirectory was created
under. The single dot refers to the current directory.
7. Now type
DIR ..
you will see a directory listing of the parent directory (the root
directory in this example).
Now that we have created the DOS subdirectory and have made it the
current directory, we can copy the files from the original DOS disk
in drive A with the command
COPY A:*.*
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This will copy all files on the disk in drive A to the current
directory on the current drive, which in this example is not
Page 17 of 17
In this section you have learned how to prepare your hard disk for
use. This included partitioning and formatting the hard disk, then
copying files from your DOS disk into your new DOS subdirectory.
This method of using subdirectories is widely used in the computer
world. It makes listing and working with files much easier. You
should make subdirectories for each of your different types of
programming files.
%Floppy Disk Preparation
Page 1 of 9
Before you can write information to a new floppy disk, you must
prepare the surface of the new disk so it contains a magnetic
pattern that your computer can understand. This step is called
formatting. The FORMAT program is located on your DOS system disk.
You only need to format a disk once. However, it does not harm a
disk to format it more than once.
1. To format a disk, you must first place the DOS system disk with
the FORMAT program on it in drive A.
2. If the prompt is not A>, make drive A the current drive with the
Don't forget to press the Return key.
Page 2 of 9
3. Give the command
to check the directory of this disk for the FORMAT program.
4. If the next-to-last line on the video screen is
File not found
DIR could not locate the FORMAT program on the disk. Check to see
that you have your system disk in drive A. On the other hand, if
DIR has found the FORMAT program, the following message appears
indicating that the formatting program is present:
FORMAT.COM 9398 1-01-86 9:39a
If the FORMAT program is present, you can start it up. But first
let's check a few things.
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The formatting program will destroy any information previously
recorded on the disk. Therefore, be sure to use a new disk or one
that does not contain information you want to keep. Be careful not
to format your system disk accidentally. The formatting process has
two stages to reduce the chances of formatting the wrong disk.
First, the formatting program is copied into memory and started up.
Then it waits for you to change disks. When you have the proper
disks in place, you can tell the program to begin. The command you
give to format a disk depends on how many disk drives you have.
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I- Using One Drive -I
The following method can be used to format a disk on any type of
computer no matter how many drives you have. However, if you have
only one disk drive, you must use this method.
1. Give the command
and DOS will copy the formatting program into memory. The first
word tells DOS to run the program named FORMAT. The rest of the
line gives information to the FORMAT program: the A: tells the
program to prepare the disk in drive A, the /S symbol specifies a
system disk, and the /V symbol says you want to choose a label or
volume name. The volume label on a disk is like the name on a file
folder; it reminds you what is on the disk. If you omit the /V
switch, there will be no volume name assigned to the disk.
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The FORMAT program will first display the following message:
Insert new diskette for drive A:
and strike ENTER when ready
It then waits for your command. This gives you a chance to change
2. Remove the DOS system disk from drive A and replace it with the
new disk to be formatted.
3. Press the Return (or ENTER) key. You will see the message
displayed and you may hear a clanking sound as the new disk is
formatted. After a few minutes, the following message will appear:
Format complete
System transfered
Volume label(11 characters, ENTER for none)?
Page 6 of 9
The FORMAT program wants you to specify a volume label. Just press
ENTER if you don't want to assign a volume label to the new disk.
4. Type the label you want to assign to the disk, or just press
ENTER for no label. The label may be any name of 11 characters or
less, including spaces. This name should be something that specifies
what is going to be placed on the disk. After placing the volume
label on the new disk, the following message will appear:
362496 bytes total disk space
69632 bytes used by system
292864 bytes available on disk
The first line shows that there are 362K bytes of space on the
disk, but nearly 70K bytes are being used by the DOS system files
because you included the /S parameter.
Look carefully on your screen for a line that reads
xxxx bytes in bad sectors
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You should rarely see a line like this one. However, if this line
does appear, it means that you have defective areas on your disk.
These bad areas have been marked as "bad" by the FORMAT program,
and will not be used by DOS to store information. However, if there
are a significant amount of bad sectors, you may want to destroy
that disk and format a new one.
The FORMAT program will now give the message
Format another (Y/N)?
If you want to format another disk, take out the newly formatted
disk and replace it with another new disk. Then press the Y key and
the Return key. You can continue this way until you are finished
formatting your new disks. Then press the N key and the Return key.
Page 8 of 9
I- Using Two Drives -I
If you have more than one floppy disk, it is easier and safer to
use both drives when formatting new disks. This way you can run the
FORMAT program from drive A and format your new disks in drive B.
1. Place your system disk containing FORMAT.COM into drive A.
2. If the A> prompt is not present, make A the current drive by
3. Place the new disk in drive B.
4. Give the command
The FORMAT program will load into memory and ask you to insert your
new disk into drive B.
Page 9 of 9
Your new disk is already in drive B, so press ENTER. The
sequence of events will be the same as it was for formatting a
disk in a one drive system. The only difference is that you
do not have to change the system disk in drive A. Just keep
changing the new disks out of drive B.
The FORMAT program can be used without the /S and /V parameters. In
fact, most of your disks should be formatted without the /S
parameter. This is because the DOS system files require valuable
data space on your disks. It is best to have one disk that you use
to start your system and change to your other disks to run your
%This Help Program
Page 1 of 15
The following is general information about terms used in this HELP
program and about DOS terms and specifications.
When the HELP program shows the format of a command, it
includes all variations of the command. Many times, all the
different parameters are not required; these parameters are
enclosed in square brackets ([ ]).
In the HELP program, we refer to all the DOS commands as
"commands." However, many of these DOS commands are not built into
DOS, they are really programs that have been provided on your DOS
This HELP program does not attempt to cover all the technical
information on every DOS command. If a command needs special
attention, the HELP program will simply refer you to the DOS manual
for more information on the command. This program was created to
help beginners and to be a quick reference to all PC users.
Page 2 of 15
The file specification tells DOS where to search for the specified
file. A filespec has four parts: the drive letter, the path, the
filename, and filename extension.
I- The Drive Specifier -I
A drive letter specifies which drive the file is on. The drive
letter is followed by a colon. For example, B: is the drive
specifier that represents drive B. If a drive specifier is omitted,
then DOS assumes the current (default) drive.
Page 3 of 15
I- The Path Specifier -I
The Path tells DOS where the file can be found. The path is another
name for the directory or subdirectory. Each command explained in
this help program has four sections. They are: the Purpose, Format,
Remarks, and the Example. The Format section tells how to use a
command. Some commands are built into DOS, while other commands are
actually programs which have been supplied on the DOS diskette.
These programs are like any other programs and have to be loaded
into memory and run. You can tell the programs from the built
in commands because the programs will have a [d:][path] before the
command name. This means that if the program is not in the path
(see the PATH command) or in the current directory, you must
specify which drive, and optionally which subdirectory, the program
is located in.
Page 4 of 15
I- The Filename Specifier -I
A filename consists of one to eight characters. The following are
INVALID characters:
. " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; , space
Any other characters are valid filename characters. DOS checks for
invalid filename characters when entering a filename specification.
However, I have seen DOS allow a space to be used in a filename
character, and later it caused problems.
I- The Filename Extension -I
A filename extension consists of one to three characters preceded
by a period. The same rules apply for valid extension characters as
apply for filename characters.
Page 5 of 15
There are two special characters that can be used in a filename and
extension specification. They are the * and ? characters. These
characters make life much easier when doing DOS functions on
several files with similar names.
I- The ? Character -I
A question mark (?) in a filename or filename extension indicates
that any character can occupy that position. For example,
dir lett?r.txt
displays all filenames on the default drive that start with the
letters LETT, then any character, followed by the R character with
the extension of .TXT.
Page 6 of 15
An example of what might be displayed is:
I- The * Character -I
An asterisk (*) in a filename or filename extension indicates that
any character can occupy that position and all remaining positions
in that filename or extension. For example,
dir lett*.txt
displays all filenames on the default drive that start with the
letters LETT, followed by any other letters, and have the extension
of .TXT.
Page 7 of 15
An example of what might be displayed is:
DOS device names are special names which have certain meanings to
DOS. These names are reserved, so do not name any files with a DOS
device name.
I- CON (Console Device) -I
Console keyboard/screen. This is referred to as the standard output
device. This can be redirected at the command line when redirection
is desired (see below).
Page 8 of 15
I- AUX or COM1 -I
The first serial port. This is sometimes called the RS-232C port,
the serial port, or the asynchronous communications adapter. This
is connected to a phone line modem, or serial printer.
I- LPT1 or PRN -I
The first parallel port. This is connected to your parallel
printer, the most common type of printer on a Personal Computer.
This device does not exist. It is a "dummy" device name for testing
purposes or to tell a program to output its messages to nowhere. As
an output device, the write operations are simulated, but no data
is written. As an input device, an immediate end-of-file is sent.
Page 9 of 15
DOS provides a convenient way for us to redirect the output to the
screen, or input from the keyboard, to another device or file. The
standard output redirection syntax is as follows:
> [d:][path]filename[.ext]
This causes all output that would go to the screen to be placed in
the file specified. This will create the file if it does not
already exist, and erase its contents and start over again if the
file does exist.
>> [d:][path]filename[.ext]
This causes the output to the screen to be sent to the file
specified. If the file does not exist, it will create a new one.
If the file does exist, it will append to the bottom of the file
without erasing any data presently in the file.
Page 10 of 15
The standard input redirection syntax is as follows:
< [d:][path]filename[.ext]
This causes the standard input to be retrieved from the file
specified. This redirection can be used with the DOS SORT command.
The filename specification can also be any device name, such as the
printer. To get a printout of your directory, simply type:
dir >prn
A copy of your directory will be printed on the first parallel
printer (LPT1). To send a copy of the directory to a file, simply
dir >myfile.txt
A file named MYFILE.TXT will be created or erased if already
present, and the directory listing will be put in the file.
Page 11 of 15
This HELP program is based on the commands available in DOS version
3.30. It does not include all the available commands. It does contain
commands not available in earlier versions of DOS. If you are having
problems with some commands, refer to your DOS manual for more
DOS Help is a shareware program! In the past, the distribution
methods of DOS Help have been somewhat unclear.
You are granted a 30 day trial period in which time you may try the
program to see if it meets your needs. If after 30 days it does not
meet your needs, simply erase the program and it's related files.
However, if it does meet your needs, then you are required to register
your copy.
Page 12 of 15
IWhen you register your copy you will get a new diskette containing a
new deluxe version of the program. This deluxe version has many
features not in the shareware version.I
The most notable feature is it's true IhypertextI abilities. You can
jump to other page references with a single keystroke. An example
would be while reading the description of the Format command, it
would mention that the /S switch will place the system on the newly
formatted diskette. At the same time it would mention that you can
use the Sys command to place the system on a diskette also. With
the hypertext system you could simply highlight the "Sys" command
refference and press Enter to jump directly to the Sys command
description. It's a great way to browse through a manual and find
what you are looking for very easily.
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IHighlights of the Deluxe Version are:
o Covers DOS 4.0 commands!
o Has Mouse Support
o Can be run in memory resident, shell, or stand alone modes
o True HyperText operation allowing jumps to crosslinks
o User can customize colors
o Split screen and full screen modes available
o Creative exploding windows
o User definable colors
o Special upgrade pricingI
Use the order form included with this program to order your copy of
DOS Help today! Or call I301-696-9677I to place your order with
Visa or MasterCard.
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We can be reached at the following locations for questions or comments.
IDOS Help Department
The Computer Connection
1306 Bailes Lane, Suite F
Frederick, Maryland 21701I
CompuServe EasyPlex Mail The Computer Connection BBS
71310,2612 (301) 696-1393
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%Help & the Mouse
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IUsing HELP with a MouseI
This HELP program will support the use of a Microsoft Mouse or
a 100% compatible mouse.
First, let's define some mouse terms that are widely used:
To IpointI with a mouse is to position the mouse cursor to a
desired location by moving the mouse on the table.
When you IdragI the mouse, you point to the desired location, hold
down one of the keys, and move the cursor to another location.
To IclickI a mouse button is to press and release the button.
You IreleaseI the mouse button when you let up on the button.
When this function is required, it usually doesn't matter where you
pressed the button, just where you release the button.
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When the program starts, it looks to see if a mouse is available on
the system. If so, the mouse cursor is turned on and positioned in
the center of the screen. The mouse can then be used to point to the
desired subject. You can point to a subject and click the IleftI mouse
button to select that subject. You will notice that as you move the
mouse around the screen the subjects you touch with the mouse cursor
will each be highlighted.
Once you reach the help screen, you can use the mouse to scroll the
screen up and down a page at a time--the same as using the PgUp
and PgDn keys. To scroll the page UP, position the mouse
cursor on the up arrow in the upper right corner of the screen and
release the IleftI mouse button. To scroll the page DOWN,
position the mouse cursor on the down arrow in the lower right
corner of the screen and release the IleftI button. Once you
finish reading the help information, you can return to the first
screen by positioning the mouse cursor in the far right column in
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the area marked as IEXITI. Then release the IleftI button. To
exit the help screen, you may also release the IrightI mouse
button. This has the same effect as pressing the ESCape key.
On the Main screen, you will see the word IEXITI in the lower right
corner of the screen if a mouse is present. Position the mouse
cursor on this word and click the IleftI mouse button to exit the
program. You can also release the IrightI button to exit.
Note: The mouse functions are based on the methods that Microsoft
recommends for applications programs. These functions are for use ┌>
with the Microsoft Mouse and 100% compatibles. │
When the mouse functions are enabled, you can still use the keyboard │
as usual. │
To exit this screen, place the mouse cursor in this area ────────────┘
and release the left mouse button.
IDOS Help Version 2.0s
Released: November 12, 1990I
INew in Version 2.0sI
When moving around on the selection screen, each subject will be
highlighted as the mouse cursor moves over it. In earlier versions
the left button had to be pressed.
While in any screen, if you release the IRightI button, it will have
the same affect as pressing Escape. This makes it faster to return
from a help screen, and to exit the program.